2 Ingredient Dumpling Wrappers

Dumpling wrappers are shockingly easy to make, and I can guarantee you have everything you need in your cupboard to make them right now (unless you have a gluten allergy, in which case, I apologize.) These wrappers are super versatile and can be used to make potstickers, dumplings, even siu mai.

All you need is two ingredients:

  • 320 g of all purpose flour
  • 3/4 cups + 2tbsp of VERY warm water

That’s it! I would also highly (HIGHLY) recommend purchasing a food scale. You can buy them off Amazon for $20-$30, and if you plan on following along with me, you should know now that I will never give you dry measurements in cups.

You might be thinking, sis, that’s rude as hell.
I’m not shelling out for this crap.
Why the heck can’t I just use measuring cups, it can’t make that much of a difference?

THAT’S WHERE YOU’RE WRONG. Not measuring by the gram when you’re baking or making some kind of dough can fuck everything up super quick because the way you scoop your flour is often incredibly inaccurate. Just ask the heaps of doughs that I’ve chucked in the bin trying to perfect this recipe.

I’d also recommend getting a small wooden dowel to roll your dough out. A large rolling pin may not cut it since these guys are so tiny but you can.. probably make it work. Here are some of the ones I use:

I bought these from a local Chinese grocer for about $3 – $4 each. Their size will help you control the way you roll the dough out. If you’re feeling impatient you can also roll the dough through a pasta machine and stamp out each dumpling.

Here’s how to make the wrappers:

  1. Prepare and measure your water – you want it to be hot but not boiling. If you have a thermometer, you can test the temperature to make sure it’s at around 120f. I’ve found that running my tap until it is absolutely steaming will usually get it there. You can also microwave your water in 10 second intervals to get it to temp, but it doesn’t have to be super precise. Again, you do NOT want boiling water, so just be careful.
  2. Add flour into a large mixing bowl. Place a tea towel underneath your bowl to prevent it from moving, and then slowly add your water, mixing the flour with chopsticks with your other hand.
  3. Once your water is fully incorporated, you’ll have a pretty shaggy dough. Abandon your chopsticks and start kneading with your hand until the dough is soft and smooth, about 7 minutes. The dough should be soft and slightly tacky but not sticky. It’s important to note that flour can be a jerk during different times of the year (cause of humidity and bla bla bla), which can affect the moisture levels in your dough. If you’re finding that it’s super sticky you can add a sprinkle of flour (just a bit at a time). Don’t add more water.
  4. Cover with a damp towel or plastic wrap and leave it to rest somewhere warm for about 40 minutes.
  5. Uncover your dumplings and knead softly for about a minute. If you find that it’s too sticky, you can add a little sprinkle of flour until it’s workable.
  6. Pick up the entire round of dough and use your thumbs to make a hole in the middle of the dough, like a huge donut. Slowly stretch the hole out in your hands, rotating continuously until you have a huge hole in the middle like a long stretchy snake that’s about 1-inch round.
  7. Cut the dough with a bench scraper, or a knife if you don’t have one so you have a long dough rope.
    TIP: Don’t cut all of your dough at once. It will dry out very quickly if you do, and you will be sad with your brittle and unworkable dough. Cut out 6-7 rounds of dough at a time, each measuring about 8g, and cover the rest of the dough snake with a damp towel or plastic wrap.
  8. Working with one round at a time, use your palms to roll a little circle. Flatten the dough onto your counter by squishing it firmly with your palm. I use extra flour at this stage, which, you should also do if your dough is sticky at all.
  9. Use your dowel to roll the dough out into a round shape – then, start rolling out the edges, turning the dough round 90 degrees, rolling outward only each time. Continue doing this until it’s about the size of your palm and you can see light through it.

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